Upcoming Event

Open House

March 18, 2025

Event Location: 334 Main St, Richmondville, NY 12149

Open House

Join us for our Open House event — 1 day only! A National Hearing Expert Corinne Zimmerman will visit and offer a FREE hearing consultation in our office. 

Sign up today for this free hearing consultation before all spots are filled!

What to expect at your hearing consultation?

During this event, we will look inside your ear using a tiny camera called a Video Otoscope. As licensed hearing professionals, this is a fascinating tool to help us evaluate the cause of hearing difficulties. This procedure is completely painless and will allow us to see all the way to your eardrum on a video monitor. Discover, under the guidance of a professional, why you may be experiencing difficulties with your hearing like:

  • Ringing or buzzing in your ears
  • Hearing but not understanding certain words
  • Difficulty understanding conversation in noisy environments
  • Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
  • Having to turn the TV up loud in order to understand what is being said

In addition, we will take the time to review your medical and hearing history during a free consultation. This examination may reveal common problems such as:

  • Damage to the eardrum
  • Fluid accumulation in the middle ear
  • Other conditions which may make it difficult to hear clearly

Meet Our Special Event Speaker

Corinne Zimmerman Au.D.

  • Clinical Audiologist experience since 1993
  • 15 years experience as Private Practice Owner
  • Extensive event experience as a provider for 8 years
  • Au.D — Central Michigan University 2009
  • M.S. Audiology — Syracuse University 1993
  • B.A. Communication Sciences and Disorders — University of Toledo 1991

Corinne is a former practice owner and understands the importance of patient-provider trust on the path to better hearing. She also understands the importance of the practice owner’s trust in her and the value of being consistent with the practice’s values. She is a good listener and firmly believes that respect and honesty are paramount to successful patient care. She enjoys seeing the impact that better hearing can make in a person’s life.

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